What is a dNFT?

Our dNFTs [dynamic NFTs] are innovative multi-state NFTs that will allow you to cycle between states increasing its value, but without increasing the total supply.

Each state will actually be a NFT of a future collection (generation) that will upgrade the look of your dNFT, however you’ll be able to go back to its original state, or cycle between them, as desired. Hence the "dynamic" denomination.

So, to be clear, there will be future collections but the supply won't be altered, there will always be 3,333 Geexos. We are contemplating "burning" in the future, so might be even less.

Next gen collectibles can only be unveiled by “turning in” your Geexolotl Gen1 dNFT. We call this process “cycling” and it’s a two-way door. You will turn-in your Geexolotl to a Smart contract, plus some $NEON. Your Geexolotl Gen1 dNFT will be held in the Smart Contract and you will get a Gen2 dNFT.

Gen2 dNFTs: They will represent your Gen1 value + the $NEON and time you invested. Will also give unique benefits like more Staking power. The metadata of your new dNFT will be almost identical (with some details here to be explained in the future).

Cycling: After you cycled your dNFT from Gen1 to Gen2, you can cycle-back your Gen2 dNFT to its original look, with the twist that now, your original Geexo is marked as Gen2, so you can change the appearance keeping the entitlements that Gen2 grants.

Cycling a Geexolotl Gen1 dNFT to Gen2 will cost 1200 $NEON, the cost of cycling it back will be defined.

Cycle it as many times you want, flex your dynamic NFT.

According to our plans, it will take about 12-16 weeks to release Gen2 and allow cycling. Gen3 is also already planned, you will know in time.

The only thing we can say about Gen2 and Gen3 dNFTs is that the Lore will be totally related to it, and will come to unveil what’s next, eventually. So, have an eye on it! ;)

Last updated