Our ART-Love Letter

By @GeexoHero - From Discord - Join us! https://discord.gg/QnyeDuVm5Z

An ART-Love Letter to our Fellow Geexos!!

You, our community, are the ones that truly point us that we are heading to the right direction. We can't quantify the tremendous effort the whole team is doing to give all of you, the best of the best.

We have some crazy ideas coming soon, that will continue to blow your mind! Even some "secret roadmap" stages that we want to announce soon, so stay tuned.

This collection is meant to be to connect with your true passions in the beloved "geek" genre. We don't only want you to own an NFT, we want you to feel proud of being a Geexolotl!

We strongly aim for you to have an NFT you love, besides from it's "floor price" and all those things that ends taking apart the magic behind these art pieces. Of course the value is important, but we want to focus on the whole value of an art piece and it's ecosystem, not just cold and soul-less numbers.

Art is not about numbers, is about emotions, and with that our goal is to get you feel that your NFT reflects what you love, in terms of what you like to do, as science, music, gaming, and/or in terms of collectibles, as many traits that will instantly resemble to your passion for collecting stuff that you feel connected with.

We are working really hard to not only design each trait full of details, but also manually curate each and every NFT (yes, is a gigantic effort, but it's worth it) so in case you get an NFT that not connects to you, it will look awesome anyway so you can exchange it with someone else that loves the NFT you have, again connecting with "their" passion.

We are developing a solid IP (Intellectual Property) to add great value to the collection and so, to the minters/holders. We are really taking this to the next level. Stay tuned and thanks for being there supporting us and the community!

Tell your friends and keep growing this awesome group!


Last updated